
Showing posts from April, 2016

Inner Queen : Dark Gem

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم Hello everyone, I know I've been really quiet on my blog, so that is why I wanted to bring you a special post. To be honest I literally took these pictures in four hours easily, but what took me so long to post this is the actual meaning behind them and what they are suppose to represent. As a young, muslim women there is a certain standard you hold for yourself and sometimes people can assume many things about you that aren't even close to the truth. Sometimes this can have a terrible impact on you because what those people forget is that you are already fighting your own "demons" and them adding on does not help in anyway. Since you can not control other people it is only vital that you learn to accept yourself just the way  you are, so if someone does play on one of your weaknesses you will simply roll it off your shoulder  because you have self love. The reason why I chose to call this series "Inner q