Rocking it all Day and Night...

 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم

Happy Wednesday everyone! Hang in there little fighter weekend is around the corner. I am honestly so excited for the next couple of weeks I got a few really cool and fun outfit posts coming up for you all. I think it is just going to be different and maybe a little more helpful.

So tell me, have you ever bought something and fallen completely in love with it that you plan out exactly how you want to wear it? This is what happened with this dress. I was so excited to do a post on it that I wasn't sure whether I should dress it up or down, make it cool and laid back or ready for dinning out with the family, so I did both. By changing a few simple elements you can transform your look from day to night. These looks are great if you are bombarded with work or school and need a quick and easy change but have no time to give your outfit a second thought.

In this look I decided to make this dress my main focus, it just has such a fun, hippie loving feel to it.

For the daytime look I decided to keep it casual for running errands and having coffee with friends. Nothing says casual like a jeans and sneakers. I threw on my turban because that seems to be my go to look and I think it just adds a little more excitement to the outfit. As you will see some of the pictures were taken in Exclusive Books, a shop I can get lost in for hours, by the way. I can honestly say I feel a little accomplished because I just get really shy when it comes to posing in public. Even though I did look for the most empty aisles and got some confusing and awkward smiles I think we can say this trip was a success.

Day :

Night :

All I did now was changed the jeans to a pair of black leggings, swapped out my pair of Nikes for a pair of beautiful wedges. Since the we are in autumn now and the nights are getting colder I decided to grab this elegant white, old fashioned coat. Lastly I stuck to my turban by making it a little more flat and then lightly draping a black chiffon scarf over. So in conclusion it took three items to transform this look.

Hope this has been helpful, shukran for all the support thus far. 

Photo credit: Nuha Adams

Instagram: @southernhijaabian 

Snapchat: Laaiqah_isaacs

Twitter: @southernhijaabi

Until next time


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