Theee Polo-neck is your friend...

   بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

 السلام عليكم

The polo-neck. Okay I know this is not the most famous item in your wardrobe, in fact most of us do not really bother buying them. Personally I wasn't too fond of them either. Now it is one of the best things to have. Why is that?..

Firstly look at it! So warm and comfy, all you need to do is throw it on and tadaaa, no extra scarves, nothing. 

Secondly if you have not already notice, it was simply meant to be worn with a turban. Absolutely no worrying about what scarf you need to throw around your neck, non of, what colour should it  be? or what kind of patterns should be on it. 

This specific polo-neck I am wearing is really wide and floppy on top. Which is a good thing, because I pinned it to the bottom of my turban to give me some extra coverage. In other words no matter how much I move and turn my neck stays covered. It's foolproof baby! haha 

A baby pink raincoat is thrown over my polo-neck jersey. Paired with a baggy jeans and some black boots(which I realise you can not see, but trust me they are there).

A close up of my "pinned" polo-necky.



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